As the Israelites 40 years in the desert came to a close, God told Moses it was time for him to die and to anoint Joshua as the next leader (see Numbers 27:12–22). I imagine Joshua was rather hesitant about this. Yet, He had been Moses’ right hand man, so to speak, for over 40 years (he served Moses during the 10 plagues in Egypt too). I have no doubt their relationship had great depth. I can almost hear Joshua saying, “How can I follow in this man’s footsteps?”
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Jesus Is All We Need
Last month I wrote about being an overcomer. We all want to be victorious in what life and the devil throws our way. And while the tips from last month are key, God does not leave us defenseless or without a weapon. The following is an excerpt from my book Carried by Grace (affiliate link).
In Matthew 6:6–13 Jesus teaches us how we should pray.
- Begin with praise (verse 9).
- Pray God’s will to be done in your life and other’s lives (verse 10).
- Speak out your specific needs (verse 11).
- Ask for forgiveness and forgive others (verse 12).
- Pray for guidance and protection (verse 13a).
- End with praise (verse 13b).
Don’t let prayer become an empty ritual. Jesus warned in verses 6–8 to avoid empty prayers. Pray from your heart.
Prayer is our best weapon and works in the spiritual realm, a realm we cannot see with our natural eyes. It is the world of God, angels, and demons.
[Read more…] about Jesus Is All We Need5 Tips to Being an Overcomer
We all want to conquer the challenges we face in life. These 5 tips from the Bible will help you be an overcomer.
The Bible is the #1 top selling book of all time for a reason. (According to, the Bible has sold 5 billion copies.) The Bible is God’s love letter to us. Among the 66 books of the Bible, one of the many things we find is advice for daily living.
Let’s take a look at one tidbit.
[Read more…] about 5 Tips to Being an OvercomerPlanting Spiritual Seeds
Last month I wrote about honoring God and how I had failed to do that. Immediately following He began to speak to me about the spiritual seeds I’ve sown.
My initial thought was to read Haggai, but the specific verses running through my mind were Habakkuk 3:17–19. “Even though the fig trees have no blossoms, and there are no grapes on the vines; even though the olive crop fails, and the fields lie empty and barren; even though the flocks die in the fields, and the cattle barns are empty, yet I will rejoice in the Lord! I will be joyful in the God of my salvation! The Sovereign Lord is my strength! He makes me as surefooted as a deer, able to tread upon the heights” (NLT).
That day I was feeling like I was there in that barren land. But no matter how fruitless things look in my life, the Lord is my shepherd, and He will take care of me in every way.
When Things Look Awful
After reading those verses in Habakkuk, I still felt led to read Haggai. So I did.
Wow! It fell right in line with the verses from Habakkuk. My harvest has felt exactly like what was described in 2:14–17, falling far short of expectations. The Israelites weren’t planting spiritual seeds, but their spiritual lives were a mess. They had turned away from God. Consequently, their physical harvest fell short.
As I read further, the Lord quickened verse 19, “I am giving you a promise now while the seed is still in the barn. You have not yet harvested your grain, and your grapevines, fig trees, pomegranates, and olive trees have not yet produced their crops. But from this day onward I will bless you” (NLT). This answers the dire circumstances of Hab. 3:17–19. No matter how it looks, God takes care of us.
When we plant corn seeds, we expect corn. If we plant pumpkin seeds, we expect pumpkins. Our spiritual seeds work the same. If you need a new job, ask the Lord. Give an offering at church as a seed for that new job. “Jesus, I give this offering as my seed for a new job.” Then trust and activate your faith for the Lord to answer that prayer and grow that seed.
Ask, Knock, Seek
“For everyone who asks, receives. Everyone who seeks, finds. And to everyone who knocks, the door will be opened. You fathers—if your children ask for a fish, do you give them a snake instead? (Luke 11:10–11 NLT). If you ask for provision to pay the rent, God is not going to make your refrigerator break down. Are you praying for good yet expecting God to bring bad?
A seed contains all that’s needed to create the plant. We do not make it grow; we merely plant it. God makes it grow (1 Cor. 3:6–9). We nurture the seed by watering it, fertilizing it if needed, and pulling the weeds out around it. We nurture our spiritual seeds by standing in faith and proclaiming the verses God has given us that relate to our seed.
“For God is the one who provides seed for the farmer and then bread to eat. In the same way, he will provide and increase your resources and then produce a great harvest of generosity in you. Yes, you will be enriched in every way so that you can always be generous” (2 Cor. 9:10–11a NLT).
Plant your seeds and expect your harvest.
Do We Need to Honor God?
For the past several months my Bible reading has been in the Old Testament. I finished Numbers yesterday! The first 5 books of the Bible can be tough reading, but Holy Spirit has been showing me so much as I read.
A question regularly on my mind as I read the extensive details of the sacrifices, the tabernacle, the priestly garments, and more mentioned in Exodus, has been “why such detail?” The one word that resonated in answer was honor. God confirmed that during a sermon from Keith Moore that I was watching on TV.
The next morning as I read Exodus 34 and 35, the Lord brought forth the subject again. While I journaled afterward and thought about it, Holy Spirit brought revelation—I had never properly honored God.
Merriam-Webster Online Dictionary defines honor in this way: “to show high regard or appreciation for : to pay tribute to : to regard or treat with honor or respect .” (That’s wild that the dictionary used a verse from Exodus to illustrate the word usage!)
Honoring God can be difficult, especially if we did not honor our own earthly fathers. God intended for them to be role models of Christ to their families. This is a big reason why the devil has worked so hard to take fathers out of the home. And often the relationship we have with our earthly father affects how we relate to God the Father.
Total transparency here, I didn’t honor my earthly father as I should have. Not until much later in my adult life.
What I didn’t realize until that morning when God first mentioned honor was that I not only dishonored Him, I also resented Him. In that moment of revelation and realization, I asked for forgiveness.
God forgave me, and a big hole in my soul was healed that day. Since then, I have drawn even closer to God.
How about you? Do you honor God?
I Choose to Rejoice
As a follow-up to last month’s post, I’d like to share another revelation moment the Lord brought me shortly after the one I shared last month.
I’ve been a born-again Christian since 1980. I’ve been in the habit of daily Bible reading for a long time. Therefore, during my quiet time, the Lord will often prompt me with specific Bible verses as I seek Him and His answers to my prayers.
One particular morning, I was very frustrated with the level of my books sales. (Few authors earn enough in royalties to pay the bills.) Though I’m fully persuaded in God’s healing power for my life, I admit, I struggle in the persuasion department with His provision for my life. It’s not a question of “can He,” so much as it’s a question of “does He want to provide for me?”
[Read more…] about I Choose to RejoiceToday I Choose to Believe
When I begin my daily Bible reading, I ask God to show me His truths, to open the eyes of my understanding that I might comprehend the Scriptures (Luke 22:45). I want to know Him more. And He is faithful to answer that prayer.
Recently, I’ve been rereading Exodus. I have always wondered how the Israelites could continually doubt God’s ability and provision when they experienced such amazing miracles.
Admittedly, at one point in my life I realized I wasn’t any different. No matter how often God answered my prayers, I would doubt Him the next time a need arose. But I also reasoned, what He did in my life certainly did not have the awe-inspiring element of the ten plagues and deliverance in the wilderness that they experienced.
[Read more…] about Today I Choose to BelieveThe Subtle Lie of If Only One Person
Last month I looked at some of the subtle lies Satan plants in our hearts without us even knowing it. In actuality, I’m on a cleaning binge. I’m working to clean out the lies I have unwittingly embraced and that have kept me from enjoying the abundant life Jesus promised.
A lie I’d like to peel apart today is “If only one person is changed by _____________, then it was worth it.” You fill in the blank. Changed by:
- The encouraging words I spoke
- The prayers I uttered
- The time I spent leading and teaching a Bible study
- The book I wrote.
What would be on your list?
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