Before I ever became a copywriter for Focus on the Family, my coworkers at Focus had encouraged me to some day write a book about my experiences as a mother of a sexual abuse victim.
I pondered that idea for many years. First I needed to heal. Several years later I moved to Missouri. When I couldn’t find a job, I decided it was time to write that book. I self-published Help! My Husband has Sexually Abused Our Daughter in Feb. 2007. This book launched my career as a writer.
For five years after launching that book, I wrote an ezine titled Glory and Strength. I regularly published articles by many authors and myself that covered the hard topics in life and how to overcome our trials.
In 2015, CrossRiver Media Group picked up the book. At that time we re-titled the book to Carried by Grace: a Guide for Mothers of Victims of Sexual Abuse, and I revised it, doubling its size.
Today, I have the honor of an interview by Cathy Krafve of Fireside Talk Radio about this topic.
I chose to write Carried by Grace because I wanted women to have someone they could come alongside of to help them through this battle. I chose the title because God carried me through this ordeal with His grace.
As you’ll learn in the interview with Cathy, mothers are very reluctant to talk about this issue. Even if I can’t be there physically, my book can. Every chapter includes snippets of my story, a reflection on the chapter topic, practical tips, and prayer.
I pray you’ll visit Cathy’s website to read her post and listen to the podcast. Please share this post or Cathy’s to your social media accounts so mothers around the world who need this help can find hope and encouragement for their journey.