With Thanksgiving in two weeks, I’d like to take this opportunity to thank all my readers. You’re the reason I’m here, writing books for your enjoyment and blogs to encourage you and build your faith.
My first foray into the blogging world was with a site I called Glory and Strength. It was an outreach of my first book, Help! My Husband Has Sexually Abused my Daughter (the second edition is titled Carried by Grace). I don’t know what year that site began, but I published the book in early 2007, so I’ll guess I started blogging in 2007 or 2008.
I’ve learned many things over the years and shifted my blogging focus to writers. I’ve been blogging about writing since 2012 and love it. I started freelance editing in 2010, and somewhere around 2014/2015 began learning about book interior and cover design. I love doing it all.
In 2020, on the cusp of COVID lockdown, I split my this blog into 2, one for readers and one, The Motivational Editor, for writers.

Last month, TheMotivationalEditor.com was named in the Top 50+ Tools and Resources for Christian Writers in 2024 on Shelley Hitz’s website TrainingAuthors.com.
Wow! Such an honor and I have my readers to thank for that.
I love being able to share my knowledge and faith with you and encourage you in your faith.
My newest book, Embracing Her Inheritance, releases officially tomorrow. As I write this (in October) I plan to throw a live launch party on my YouTube channel. Watch your email tomorrow for the details. (I have to learn the ins and outs of YouTube live first.)
Thank you, all, from the bottom of my heart for buying, reading, and reviewing my books. Without you there would be no reason for me to write aside from my own enjoyment.