I’m hard at working writing Embracing Her Inheritance, book 3 of Her Inheritance series. I started on it back in July, but I admit, I’ve had a very hard time with this book.
Even though I knew it was to be a romance between Sally and Chase, I wanted it to be more than that. But I didn’t know what more to add.
After several brainstorm sessions, I finally came up with something and got 19,000 words into the story. Those were hard words though—words that didn’t come easily or flow from my fingers as they often do. I didn’t like the story.
It’s important to me that I enjoy not just writing my stories but also reading them. After all, if I don’t like reading my own stories, how can I expect someone else to?
Another afternoon of brainstorming brought a new plot and a story I could enjoy. That meant going back through those 19K+ words and revising them. LOL, more like deleting whole scenes. I’ve saved those deleted scenes because I might yet be able to use parts of them.
But such is the life of writing.
Many people think writing a book is easy. A well-written book can give that impression. The people who think it’s easy are probably those who say, “One day I’m going to write a book,” but never do.
I suppose the writing difficulty depends on the kind of book and how long it is. But a novel of 65,000 or more words doesn’t happen overnight. It takes months to get that first draft done (unless you write 8-10 hours/day every day), and then there are many more days spent revising and editing.
Suffice to say, I’m working to bring you a great conclusion to this series that I hope to publish early fall 2024.
If you haven’t read the first 2 books, winter is a perfect time to do so while the weather restricts outdoor activity.
Claiming Her Inheritance, A secret beyond her wildest imagination. Will this fierce loner finally find love and acceptance? Christian women’s fiction
Discovering Her Inheritance, A country church works its own miracles on 4 strangers stranded by a blizzard. A captivating contemporary supernatural fiction story.